It didn't take long for me to realize the power of a photograph. I was living in Washington State, the Greenlake area, about 4 years ago. I had a hand-me-down 35 mm camera, I was compelled to takes photos of VW buses, and the action of taking of taking photos crept up on me like a drunk 22 year old "party girl" at a bar wanting to dance with. It was shortly after that I starting taking photos of everything. Gathering information and figuring out what I thought looked good and what I thought didn't look good. Soon after realizing that photography was not just a hobby, but a passion, I had the opportunity to teach middle school kids in Queens, NY. Without hesitation I packed my bags and I was on my way to NY.

Now for those of you who have not been to NY, I highly suggest that you go. There is nothing to be afraid of and if haven't heard yet, the people are very nice. They might be straight forward, but they are nice. When I got there I was a needle in a hay stack. Ok, I was a needle in a hay stack who also had a brother that lived in the city as well, but he was working a lot, so I got to travel the city mostly by myself. Not to say that that was a bad thing, it was good thing. With a nice new camera, all the bouroughs to explore, and all something to record them with, I was set.
Now after doing some shows, creating a couple of books, and continuing on torrid pace of collecting images and stories, I'm here to share with you on a more frequent basis my findings. I am captivated by people and places. I hoping that what I show to you captivates you, makes you ask questions, and or laugh. I am always up for answering question, taking comments, or fielding